Black Walnut Hull Powder

  • Wildharvested
  • Kosher
  • WH
  • K
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Black Walnut Hull Powder

  • WH
  • K
  • Wildharvested
  • Kosher
Botanical Name:
Juglans nigra
See this products sustainability rating Sustainability Rating:
Learn More Mountain Rose Herbs is committed to bringing transparency to the herbal industry. We are proud to share our new Sustainability Rating System.

Point Breakdown:
Origin Distance: /30pts
Organic: /45pts
Fair Trade/Fair Wild: /10pts
Zero Waste: 5/5pts
For Life Certified: 5/5pts
Energy Conservation Efforts: 5/5pts
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Product Details

Black walnut is a large tree native to North America and also cultivated throughout Europe. For centuries, black walnut has been a source of food and wellness support for indigenous populations. Black walnut hull is astringent and tannic and can be infused, tinctured, encapsulated, or used as a dye for fabrics. Our black walnut powder is milled from Juglans nigra hulls.

Black walnuts are smaller, harder, and more pungent than the English walnuts sold in grocery stores. The hulls without the meaty kernels inside are used in traditional herbalism. Black walnut trees exude a sap that discourages growth of competing plants over their roots. Black walnut is a member of the Juglandaceae.

Not recommended for long term use. We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only.