Spearmint Hydrosol Organic

  • Organic
  • OG
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Spearmint Hydrosol Organic

  • OG
  • Organic
Botanical Name:
Mentha spicata
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Product Details

Organic spearmint hydrosol is a lightly sweet water-steam distillation of fresh spearmint leaves. With a delicate scent compared to spearmint essential oil, this hydrosol is a fresh alternative to those that are sensitive to minty essential oils.

A sweet and exhilarating herb, spearmint originally came to us from the Mediterranean. Known in ancient times as a symbol of hospitality, this gentle hydrosol has a more delicate scent than spearmint essential oil.

Organic spearmint hydrosol is helpful for occasional skin irritations, calming to the senses, and cooling on the skin. This hydrosol is a great skin toner, and when kept in the refrigerator it makes a wonderful relieving mist. Fill your favorite water-based diffuser with this hydrosol for a light and refreshing scent.

Combine this cooling hydrosol with peppermint hydrosol, or with your preferred mint essential oils for an invigorating room or body spray. It also blends well with other aromatic hydrosols and essential oils such as rosemary or eucalyptus to make a powerful camphoraceous combination.

Our organic spearmint hydrosol is artfully crafted in the Pacific Northwest via water-steam distillation of fresh Mentha spicata leaves. Suitable for cosmetic use.

The 3oz. size comes in an amber glass bottle with a mister top. Our 8oz., 16 oz., and 1 gallon bulk sizes come in plastic bottles without misters.