Sweetgrass Hydrosol Organic

  • Organic
  • OG
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Sweetgrass Hydrosol Organic

  • OG
  • Organic
Botanical Name:
Hierochloe odorata
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Product Details

Organic sweetgrass hydrosol is distilled from fresh grass and has a pleasing scent with honey and vanilla notes. Use this powerful aromatic water to uplift the senses and clear stagnant energy. A wonderful smoke-free alternative for burning sweet grass braids. 

Sweetgrass is known as the hair of Mother Earth. It is one of the four sacred herbs of indigenous North American peoples and is represented in the East on the traditional medicine wheel. It was also strewn throughout churches in medieval Europe so that the sweet smell rose with each footstep. In fact, humans have been cultivating sweetgrass for over 6,000 years!

In Greek, hierochloe literally means “holy grass.” Organic sweetgrass hydrosol is perfect to use when clearing spaces for meditation, prayer, and ritual as the scent is said to please all spirits. Additionally, it is an excellent alternative to burning sweet grass braids if smoke must be avoided.

Subtle and honeyed with a green undertone, this hydrosol is a buoyant and refreshing room spray. It may also be added to lotions and body creams in place of water for uniquely sweet formulations or used as a base for outdoor sprays. Organic sweetgrass hydrosol contains coumarin, an organic compound present in many plants that provides the sweet scent.

Sweetgrass hydrosol is created in the Pacific Northwest via water-steam distillation of the fresh grass Hierochloe odorata. Suitable for cosmetic use.

The 3oz. size comes in an amber glass bottle with a mister top. Our 8oz., 16 oz., 64 oz., and 1 gallon bulk sizes come in plastic bottles without misters.