Turkey Tail Extract Powder

  • Organic
  • Kosher
  • OG
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Turkey Tail Extract Powder

  • OG
  • K
  • Organic
  • Kosher
Botanical Name:
Trametes versicolor (Coriolus)
See this products sustainability rating Sustainability Rating:
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Point Breakdown:
Origin Distance: /30pts
Organic: /45pts
Fair Trade/Fair Wild: /10pts
Zero Waste: 5/5pts
For Life Certified: 5/5pts
Energy Conservation Efforts: 5/5pts
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Product Details

Turkey tail is becoming widely popular for its use in immune support and digestive formulas. This concentrated extract powder is perfect for wellness formulas, drink blends, and broths.

Turkey Tail mushrooms, Trametes versicolor, grow in abundance throughout the world, most commonly found on hardwood stumps in deciduous forests. Indigenous cultures around the world have used the turkey tail mushroom for millennia for its healthful properties. Especially revered in Asian cultures, it has a long history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine to increase Chi, strengthen the lungs, and support the liver and immune systems.

Our one-to-one extract powder begins with turkey tail mushrooms that are cultivated in a grain-free liquid substrate. Once mature, it is turned into a fine powder that is then extracted in water at 90°-100° C for three hours. When this decoction is complete, the water is evaporated producing a concentrated fluid. With the mushroom powder still in the fluid state it is sent to a spray drier which produces a fine powder. In this process the raw material is never removed from the extraction. This makes for a more bio-available product than simply powdered mushrooms, which need to be cooked or further processed in order to release the beneficial properties.

No known precautions. We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only.